Web App Development

Energy Action Portal

Energy Action is a leading supplier of energy procurement, contract management, energy reporting and energy advisory services with over 10,000 commercial clients Australia-wide.

Energy Actions Metrics Portal is a reporting product for large scale energy buyers to track power consumption across all assets in their portfolio. The portal gives granular and executive level reporting adding significantly valuable data and insight to their customer base.

We have supported, maintained and improved Energy Action’s Metrics portal since 2016. At the end of 2018 Diviv embarked on a complete refresh project which included two new product levels and a whole new dashboard experience.

Discover what else Energy Action is up to by visiting their website:

The Problem

The metrics portal originally designed and built in 2014, at that time it presented the latest web technologies but from the perspective of modern useability standards the portal had started to age. Energy Action were also looking to introduce a new Small Market Energy (SME) product so the time was right to look at rebuilding the portal with the focus on responsiveness, usability and speed.

The Solution

We helped design and build a highly sophisticated client web portal for the customers of Energy Action to access in-depth analysis power consumption data.

This portal has allowed Energy Action to remain the leader in its field in Australia, they are a proud foundation client and we hope to continue to help them grow into the future.

Oh, that feeling you get when you interact with a great digital product!
Diviv is a solution based partner that delivers front and back end website solutions with innovation, professionalism and integrity. They are a great team and a pleasure to work with.